Romford Canal – From Rainham Road to Elm Park

The canal heads slightly northeastwards towards Elm Park along a much narrower Beam Valley.

The crossing at Rainham Road (or is it Dagenham Road? There’s often been some confusion over which name it should be since the stretch of road was converted into a dual carriageway.) The view looks slightly northeast along the canal alignment. Until WW2 the canal’s only completed overbridge stood at this point. It was used by the army for defence and then demolished after the war.

The Beam Valley path is built upon the canal’s alignment for a short distance above Rainham Road.

Further along the pathway turns eastwards and it crosses the canal’s alignment (canal runs right to left across the picture towards Romford).

Although the Beam River is not really an attractive watercourse, there’s been some attempt to beautify it with this small cascade adjacent to the lake north of Rainham Road.

Very little of the canal exists above Rainham Road. There’s slight evidence here and there. These houses on Manor Road look over the Beam River valley, with what appears to be a reedy stretch of the Romford Canal.

NEXT: To Elm Park

The Romford Canal pages:
Ford’s Works to New Road / River Beam to Beam Bridge lockThe lock to Rainham RoadRainham Road to Elm ParkTo the LTSR embankmentInto Romford